Former CIA Officer reveals...
Why I Want to Mail You This
Envelope Worth At Least $4,000 – Guaranteed!
Soon this will be mailed to the doorsteps
of a few lucky entrepreneurs.
In the next few days, with your permission…

I’m going to send you a discreet envelope in the mail.

It’s completely white with no markings on it.

Inside will be a document that contains a boatload of money-making information.

Things like…
  •   The 29-word email I sent to a virtually dead list that quickly generated over $6,400 in sales. (This wasn’t based on any event and was an email I sent on a random Saturday.)
  • The secret of generating royalties and how to structure them. (I recently got paid over $350,000 in royalties, which is one of my favorite ways to collect income.)
  •   Time management hacks that allow me to run multiple businesses, avoid the phone and meetings, and have no problem making it home for dinner each night.
  •   The truth of making affiliate deals so affiliates beg for your products. (You’ll get the exact strategy I’ve used to generate over $400,000 in sales in a single month.)
  •   How to simplify your business, reduce overhead, and significantly increase profitability. (Once I learned this secret it saved my multi-million dollar company over $40,000 a month in expenses and can save you money no matter the size of your business.)
  •   The math behind the Facebook marketing strategy that’s made me a small fortune. (Most entrepreneurs don’t know the true numbers that spell success or failure.)
  •   The absolute best way to make an extra $10,000 in your business each month, with very little effort.
  •   How to find a quality book agent if you want to get your book published by a major company. (Penguin Random House has published two of my books and I show you the exact process it takes.)
  •   How to streamline your TV appearances so you’re getting publicity each and every month with a guaranteed stream of income
  •   Little-known celebrity hacks to connect with high level influencers you thought were unreachable. 
  •   The real reason I got a deal on Shark Tank and what this has to do with being a spy. (This secret has made me hundreds of thousands of dollars.)
And much, much more.

The fact is, this is information I send out each month to a few select entrepreneurs.

You see, when I started teaching people the Celebrity Method, I had no idea how many entrepreneurs it would impact and how many people would have their lives changed.

Truthfully, I’m proud of what members have accomplished and how we’re some of the most successful entrepreneurs on the planet.

And, I would be honored to have you join us in our mission to grow our income, our businesses, and the good we do in this world.

That’s why today, you can become one of the select few members of the Celebrity Method Alliance.

The Celebrity Method Alliance includes access to a monumental amount of income generating strategies.

For example, all members receive the Jason Hanson Celebrity Letter.

This is a printed (paper and ink) newsletter that’s mailed to your doorstep around the 1st​ of each month and contains a ton of money-making strategies that I mentioned at the beginning of this letter.

What’s more…
You’re About to Secure My
7-Figure Email Marketing Plan
– a $997 Value – For FREE!
All new members of the Celebrity Method Alliance get my 7-Figure Email Marketing Plan – for FREE.

The fact is, once you start getting on TV and become a celebrity, the size of your email list will skyrocket. (Mine has gone from 4,000 to over 100,000.)

And, you need a simple “plug and play” email plan to generate thousands of extra dollars for your business each year.

My email marketing plan generates over $550,000 for my business each year. It has generated well into 7 figures over the years.

Better yet, I spend just 20 minutes each month on this email plan to bring in that type of money.

How is this possible?

Because this marketing plan is based around holidays.

Since there are only a few holiday’s a year, I don’t have to spend a ton of time on this. I reuse the same emails year after year and the money comes in like clockwork.

For instance…

Thanksgiving, of course, is a major holiday.

Every year, I send out 5 emails around Thanksgiving selling one of my high-ticket products.

This product costs $4,997.

Want to know how many of this product I’ve sold so far this year?


Yes, that’s $219,868 in income.

And remember, I’m talking about just one year.

I use this same email series every Thanksgiving and know it will bring in around $200,000 each time I use it.

I’m going to give you the exact 5 emails I use so you can copy the template and send them out to your list during Thanksgiving.

What about the Christmas season?

Well, I have a series of emails called The 12 Days of Christmas.

This series absolutely kills it and has easily generated six figures for me.  

You can get the complete 12 Days of Christmas templates so every single year you can count on a huge payday during Christmastime.

Let’s not forget about the holiday of love – Valentine’s Day.

Each Valentine’s Day, I send out a single email.

The email is rather short, only 223 words.

I sell a low-ticket item in this email and it brings in 5-figures for me.

Of course, you could choose to sell something more expensive, because you’ll have the Valentine’s Day template to do whatever you want with.

How about the Fourth of July, one of my favorite holiday’s?

There are 4 emails I send out around the Fourth.

You get the subject line and template of each email including the exact days to send them out.

How much will they make you?

Of course, I can’t say for sure since I don’t know the size of your list.

But, around the Fourth of July I pulled in over $47,000 in sales.

I could go on, but you get the point.

For major holidays – Father’s Day, New Year’s, Mother’s Day, Labor Day, etc. – I have proven emails to generate tons of extra cash for my business.

It really is the easiest money I make, since I just plug in the emails each year.

And, like I said, I want to give you this 7-Figure Holiday Email Marketing Plan – for FREE when you join us today as the newest member of the Celebrity Method Alliance.

Besides the 7-Figure Email marketing plan and the monthly printed newsletter…

All members of the Celebrity Method Alliance get access to the password-protected members only website.

This is where I share a monthly marketing piece that I’ve personally used to make thousands of dollars for my business.

It might be an email…

A postcard…

A webinar…

A flyer…

Or even a new Facebook strategy.

But the fact is, you get to look over my shoulder each month where I give you a money-making template that you can quickly put into use in your own business.

You see, I spend a small fortune each month testing new marketing ideas and working with some of the smartest marketers on earth.

I spend all the money and do all the work for you, and you get the winning templates to use.

The truth is, these up-to-date marketing strategies are worth well over $10,000 a month. That’s how much I spend (and more) testing and implementing to see what’s working now.

Members of the Celebrity Method Alliance also get first crack at private coaching slots, live events and other special trainings I do throughout the year.

The bottom line is, I can tell you with 100% certainty that joining the Celebrity Method Alliance is the best way to increase your income this year and to start living the entrepreneurial life you deserve. 

And don’t forget, you also get the 7-Figure Holiday Email Marketing Plan… for free.

By now, you might be wondering what it costs to join the Celebrity Method Alliance?

Well, as I’ve shown above, it’s worth thousands of dollars to you each month at a minimum.

However, because I want to help as many entrepreneurs as possible to reach their true potential, I’ve put it at a ridiculously low price right now.

You’ll pay just $39.95 a month and you get the 7-Figure Holiday Email Marketing Plan for free.

Plus, I guarantee you’ll make at least 100 TIMES your investment each month.

If your membership doesn’t bring in at least an extra $4,000 a month from the tricks, strategies and tactics I show you, let me know, and I’ll quickly refund the previous months dues – no questions asked.

There is no long-term obligation and you can cancel at any time.

I only want people in the Celebrity Method Alliance who are serious about growing their business and becoming uber-successful entrepreneurs.

To join the Celebrity Method Alliance and get the 7-Figure Holiday Email Marketing Plan for free, click on the yellow button below.  

But don’t delay…

I don’t know how long I’ll be giving away the $997 email marketing plan for free.

Click on the yellow button below to join us today.
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